Our Art from the Heart Adventures WORLD CRUISE Workshop is NOW... 

Available in Mp3 Format! Download & Do Alone or With Friends or Family In the Privacy of YOUR Home! 

The Most Indepth Art from the Heart Adventures Workshop

A short, yet powerfully insightful introductory audio workshop.   

All the benefits of a Short Jaunt plus 4 more 'heartworks'

 Comes with a Complimentary Creative Chakra Chimes Download!

Covers Designed by Campbell Creative Services


Just like being at a workshop!

Carolyn Shannon, along with the assistance of Vic Silvio, take you step by step through each 'heartwork' creation in a very simplistic and easy to understand format. 

Then, once all your drawings are completed, they thoroughly introduce you to many insightful interpretations that can be made upon reflection of your 'heartworks'.

Any of these audio workshops can be done alone or with a group.  Many have testified to just listening to them as a reference on how to look at their whole life from a different view.

This is the ultimate adventure!  A minimum of 18 heartworks presents with an awe inspiring overview of your life, your passions, your reflection to others and much, much more!  And yes you still get the benefits of releasing negativity as well. 

The MOST indepth, informative workshop!

Click on Above to Enlarge for Easier Reading

Complimentary Removing YOUR Walls of Lack & Delay E-Workshop Included with Purchase of this Workshop

(Value of Workshop $150.00 per person)

Your Investment is Only $19.99

Carolyn Shannon Of Venting Creatively & All Art from the Heart Adventures

Believes It is Never Too Early or Too Late to Begin Looking At YOUR Life from a "Different" More Positive & Empowered View

 Invites YOU to Live YOUR WOW in The NOW!

Child, Adolescent & Adult Need Safe, Fun Ways To Release Their Fears, Grief, Anger & Frustrations!

© Copyright  2022 Carolyn Shannon. All Rights Reserved.

Published by True Emotions Artwork Plus